In most cases, studiesrecruited families having multiple members with alcohol dependence; such familiesare likely to segregate variants that affect the risk of alcohol dependence. Themost common initial approach was linkage analysis, in which markers throughout thegenome were measured to identify chromosomal regions that appeared to segregate withdisease across many families. Linkage studies are relatively robust to populationdifferences in allele frequencies (because they test within-family inheritance), andcan find a signal even if different variants in the same gene or region areresponsible for the risk in different families.
Nature and nurture, instinctivists and environmentalists, the D2 dopamine receptor and twenty-nine other discovered genes, and, now, precision medicine, are all important themes in the long and evolving story of alcoholism and scientific discovery. The goal of genetic studies, however, is not only to find associations but also to understand how these variants might promote the development of AUD. In their study, the Yale team discovered that the risk genes were correlated to changes in certain brain regions. This finding suggested to researchers that the risk variants promoted certain brain pathways that contribute to the development of behavior patterns and disorders. Although alcoholism is often comorbid with other psychiatric disorders the heritability is largely disease specific 1.
Alcohol use disorder can occur across multiple generations, and people who have parents with a history of alcohol abuse are at a higher risk of developing alcoholism. However, several factors can protect people against an alcohol use disorder, even if they have a family history of the condition. Some researchers have hypothesized that there may be large panels of rare functional variants, each of large effect, that predict risk for alcoholism with different variants occurring in different people.
Because the diagnosis of an AUD requires the presence of a set ofsymptoms from a checklist, there are many different ways one could meet thecriteria. There are 35 different ways one could pick 3 criteria from 7 (DSM-IValcohol dependence) and 330 ways to pick 4 from 11 (DSM-5 severe AUD). Thedifficulties of genetic studies are compounded by environmental heterogeneity inaccess to alcohol and social norms related to drinking.
It’s crucial for regulatory bodies to monitor and control such influences, ensuring that they don’t exacerbate the substance use disorders already prevalent in society. In healthcare, such findings can guide interventions, from outpatient treatments to more intensive care, based on an individual’s genetic risk. The transparency of research, ensured by accessible journal papers, is vital in addressing the societal impacts of heavy drinking. Factors like strong family bonds, close ties to institutions, and academic success can all help prevent the development of alcoholism. If someone has a family history of alcohol addiction but protective factors are in place, alcoholism can skip a generation. On the other hand, alcoholism can become a pattern that affects multiple generations in a row.